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Mark Chen将成为新的研究高级副总裁,与首席科学家Jakub一起领导研究组织。
Mark Chen之前是OpenAI的前沿研究主管,并且还是美国IOI队的教练。OpenAI五年多的老员工。此前曾在微软、Trading实习,在哈佛做访问学者,在量化研究工作过5年,并且成为合伙人。
Jakub Pachocki,卡内基梅隆大学理论计算机科学博士学位,本科毕业于波兰华沙大学,并在哈佛大学进行了为期一年的博士后研究。2017年加入OpenAI,也是他第一份工作。他曾先后担任Dota组、推理组以及深度学习科学团队的研究负责人,研究总监。领导开发了GPT-4和OpenAI Five,此外他还参与了大规模强化学习(RL)和深度学习优化的基础研究。
Josh Achiam将担任新设立的使命对齐主管,负责确保公司各部门和文化符合公司使命。
Josh Achiam曾是OpenAI安全团队的研究科学家,加州大学伯克利分校Pieter Abbeel的博士生。
首席产品官Kevin Weil和工程副总裁Srinivas Narayanan将继续领导应用团队。
Kevin Weil 于今年 6 月加入 OpenAI ,曾任 Instagram 产品副总裁和 Twitter 产品高级副总裁。
Srinivas Narayanan于2023年加入,担任工程副总裁,领导OpenAI工程工作,包括ChatGPT、开发者平台以及相关基础设施支持工作。曾在 Facebook 担任工程副总裁。曾就读于威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校。
Matt Knight将正式担任首席信息安全官。
Matt Knight于2020年加入OpenAI,领导安全、IT以及安全隐私方面研究及工程工作。2018年曾作为联合创始人加入Agitator。
i just posted this note to openai:
Hi All–
Mira has been instrumental to OpenAI’s progress and growth the last 6.5 years; she has been a hugely significant factor in our development from an unknown research lab to an important company.
When Mira informed me this morning that she was leaving, I was saddened but of course support her decision. For the past year, she has been building out a strong bench of leaders that will continue our progress.
I also want to share that Bob and Barret have decided to depart OpenAI. Mira, Bob, and Barret made these decisions independently of each other and amicably, but the timing of Mira’s decision was such that it made sense to now do this all at once, so that we can work together for a smooth handover to the next generation of leadership.
I am extremely grateful to all of them for their contributions.
Being a leader at OpenAI is all-consuming. On one hand it’s a privilege to build AGI and be the fastest-growing company that gets to put our advanced research in the hands of hundreds of millions of people. On the other hand it’s relentless to lead a team through it—and they have gone above and beyond the call of duty for the company.
Mark is going to be our new SVP of Research and will now lead the research org in partnership with Jakub as Chief Scientist. This has been our long-term succession plan for Bob someday; although it’s happening sooner than we thought, I couldn’t be more excited that Mark is stepping into the role. Mark obviously has deep technical expertise, but he has also learned how to be a leader and manager in a very impressive way over the past few years.
Josh Achiam is going to take on a new role as Head of Mission Alignment, working across the company to ensure that we get all pieces (and culture) right to be in a place to succeed at the mission.
Kevin and Srinivas will continue to lead the Applied team.
Matt Knight will be our Chief Information Security Officer having already served in this capacity for a long time. This has been our plan for quite some time.
Mark, Jakub, Kevin, Srinivas, Matt, and Josh will report to me. I have over the past year or so spent most of my time on the non-technical parts of our organization; I am now looking forward to spending most of my time on the technical and product parts of the company.
Leadership changes are a natural part of companies, especially companies that grow so quickly and are so demanding. I obviously won’t pretend it’s natural for this one to be so abrupt, but we are not a normal company, and I think the reasons Mira explained to me (there is never a good time, anything not abrupt would have leaked, and she wanted to do this while OpenAI was in an upswing) make sense. We can both talk about this more tomorrow during all-hands.
Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication.
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